Convert American Dollars to Turkish Lira

Convert American Dollars to Turkish Lira

convert american dollars to turkish lira

USD US Dollar

CountryUnited States of AmericaRegionNorth AmericaSub-Unit1 Dollar = 100 centsSymbol$, US$
The U.S. dollar is the currency most used in international transactions. Several countries use the U.S. dollar as their official currency, and many others allow it to be used in a de facto capacity. It's known locally as a buck or greenback.

TRY Turkish Lira

CountryTurkeyRegionEuropeSub-Unit1 Lira = 100 kurusSymbol₺
In 2003, Turkey passed a law that allowed for the removal of six zeroes from the currency, and the creation of the new lira. It was introduced in 2005, replacing the previous lira. The word 'new' was removed on January 1, 2009.

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100 euro to turkish lira

1 usd to turkish lira

turkish lira to dollar

turkish lira to euro

usd to egp

100 tl to usd

turkish lira to egp
Turkish lira to euro

usd to egp

100 ليرة تركي كم دولار

دولار أمريكي

usd عملة اي دوله

100 tl to usd

10 tl to usd
usd to egp

100 euro to turkish lira

100 ليرة تركي كم دولار

دولار أمريكي

usd عملة اي دوله

turkish lira to euro

lira to euro

euro to usd
dollar to turkish lira

Convert Turkish Lira to American Dollars

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